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For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid,
which is Jesus the Messiah.

1 Corinthians 3:11

Prayers for Personal Devotion,
Intercession, and Supplication

How to Develop Personal Prayer/Devotion

Personal Prayers
The following written prayers are provided as a departure point for developing your own prayer language and expressing the truths of Scripture in your own words before the Lord in prayer, supplication, and intercession.
Prayers of Devotion
A Longing to See the God of Beauty
Job 42:3-6 Psalms 27:4
Rev 1:6
Prayer for the Knowledge of God Proverbs 2
A Cry for the Passion of the Bridegroom to Touch Your Heart John 2:17 
2Cor 3:18
Gal 6:8
Prayer to Dwell In the Presence of the LORD Psalms 15
Prayer to Be Rooted in a Bridal Identity and Have The Voice of God John 1:22-23
Rev 1:10
Rev 19:6-7
Living Your Life with a Vision of Eternal Evaluation 2Cor 5:9-11
Prayer for a Heart of Wisdom and an Awareness of our Earthly Time Psalms 90:12
Prayers of Thanksgiving
Thankfulness for Discerning Signs of God’s Grace 2Thess 1:3-4 
Thankfulness for God’s Sovereignty and Certainty of Earthly Victory 2Thess 1:5-10
Joyful Thanks to the God who Redeemed, Saved, and Called us to be Intimate Partners with His Son—His Inheritance Col 1:12-14
Realization of God’s View of His People: A Deep Concern for their Growth in the Lord 1Thess 2:17-19
1Thess 3:1-10
Prayers of Apostolic Intercession
Prayer for Release of Watchman on the Walls—Empowered in Love Isaiah 62:1-7
SOS 8:6-7
Prayer to be Equipped and Prepared to Receive the Fullness of God’s Destiny for the Church. 2Thess 1:11-12
Prayer for Release of Apostolic Ministry -- to be Strengthened by Divine Love—for Holiness and Passionate Pursuit 1Thess 3:9-13
A Vision for Fullness, Might in Our Spirits, and
a Supernatural Depth in Love
Eph 3:14-21
Prayer to Know God's Will, to Be Fruitful in Ministry  and Strengthened by Intimacy with God Col 1:9-11

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