What Is The Traditional Jewish
Perspective?? These links are from the perspective of a JUDAISM that still
awaits its Messiah....
View of the Western Wall
The vine Paul spoke of in Romans
11 is of great significance for us to consider as Gentile believers in
Messiah. Our covenant of salvation is based
upon the New Covenant which was given to Israel and Judah. Many Christians may
be shocked to know that Jesus according to his natural or human nature was not a
"Christian" according to his customs. Of course we know that the
Lord Jesus was God Incarnate.. the Son of God become flesh and dwelling among
us. But according to His human nature, He was definitely and beyond any
doubt Jewish... He
wore tassels on His garments according to the law of Moses, followed the customs
of His people, very certainly celebrated Hanukkah, and the Bible he studied was
the original testament that by no means is "Old", but merely
"Older". The word "Christian" to most Jewish people is
synonymous with the idea of the destruction of the Jewish identity and its
culture. To become a "Christian" for a Jewish person more than
likely means to completely renounce their heritage and customs and align
themselves with an "anti-Jewish" religion. Germany was seen as a
"Christian" nation that condoned and allowed the Holocaust to occur.
Through the centuries, events such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and
the Holocaust have been supported and even initiated by those bearing the
name of "Christ", all to ours and His shame.
is a great need today for an honest look at things done historically in the name
of "Christianity" to the Jewish people and our heartfelt sorrow and
apology for them as a result. To be anti-Semitic or to be anti-Zionist is
as far from the heart of the Bible as you can get and denies the prophetic
promises that were and still belong to Israel and her people. To
hold these attitudes as believers in the Messiah certainly does not convey
the heart or passion of the one we know as the King of Jews, Jesus, who is
passionately and deeply longing for His people according to the flesh
(Romans 1:3-4).
Shalom and
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember
thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my
chief joy. Psalms 137:5-6
The truth
is that the vine has never changed.. Gentile believers in Jesus the Messiah are
merely grafted as a wild olive branch into a vine they had no part in
creating. Paul asks the question in Romans 11, "Then how much
more readily will the natural branches that fell away be grafted back
into the vine??" And that is the point... what should be a natural
fulfillment of the Jewish faith has become transformed into something that is
feared, hated, and rejected outright by most Jewish people. We believe the
Church needs to reconsider its message to the Jewish people in general...
starting with a sincere heart of apology for things done in the name of Jesus or
"Christ" to them as a people throughout history. The Church must also
realize that accepting Jesus as Messiah does not equate with renunciation of
Jewish heritage or of being a Jew... it is by all means the absolute fulfillment
of everything that is Jewish! We also believe there is another message to
the Church: that we must repent of our attitudes and callousness toward
the Jewish people and Israel... realizing that we are just a wild branch grafted
into an olive tree by grace. We are encouraging Gentile believers along
these lines to go and find out about the olive tree that supports us and to
discover the role of both Israel and the Church in the redemptive purposes of
God that will be fulfilled in what we believe is the last generation before the
Lord returns. Israel and her people have a role to play... and the Church
has a role to play as well in the redemption of the world to the God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob: each of us dependent on the other. We must truly
re-evaluate our theologies and gain a heart of wisdom from the Lord concerning
our role in Israel's destiny and her role with us. Romans 11 also records
Paul's very strong concern that if the Gentile believers did not grasp
this truth, their ignorance would turn to arrogance and would eventually lead to
apostasy in opposition to the Lord's will and plan (Romans 11:15-27).
We have put together several lessons,
messages, news articles and thoughts that we hope you will find informative, challenging
and most of all encouraging concerning the Jewish people. We pray you will help us PRAY
for the peace of Jerusalem. The evangelizing of the Jewish people is not an idea
the Southern Baptist Convention came up with... The Bible tells us that
the Gospel is to the Jewish people first, and the rest of the nations
(Gentiles) second. As the coming of the Lord draws near. We must come together as ONE NEW
MAN and that one new man is made up of Gentile and Jew. Thanks for stopping by...
we hope you enjoy not only
the site but the individual messages. This page is dear to our heart because Israel is
dear to our heart. We continue to intercede not
only for Israel's return to God, but for the Lord to avenge the slaughter of her innocent
throughout the ages by those committed to her destruction. She is going to come back to
God in totality one day when she will say
"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." God's word is true - He will
bless those who bless Israel, and He will curse those who curse her. Let us not be found
fighting against the Lord Jesus, Yeshua, and our Messiah who is our coming
Bridegroom, King, and Judge.
If you would like
to suggest a link to for this page, contact webmaster@threemacs.org
and reference the Heart of God for the Jewish People.